
This page contains news and information about changes and updates to this website.

Shoe boxes for 5F

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

5F urgently need a few more shoe boxes for our art project next week! If you have any you could bring in, please pass them on to Mrs Ferrier or Mrs Saxon before next Wednesday (25th May). We will gratefully receive them. Thank you!

New Spellings for the Summer Term.

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

Welcome back to the Summer Term ! As we have covered the main Year 5/6 spellings, we are now moving on to learning specific spelling rules each week and giving the children strategies to learn them in class. As before, the spellings to be learnt each week will be uploaded every Friday, to be tested the following week. The main set will be divided into 2 groups: your child may now be in a different group - the new groups are based on their progress with learning their spellings over the last 2 terms. Your child should come home Friday knowing which set of spellings to learn!

Iron Man Printing Project

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

We are going to be starting a brand new collagraph printing project in art, based on the book The Iron Man. 

The children will be making their print templates out of card so this is a request for thin card that they will be able to cut independently! 

Cereal boxes are ideal, so if you could start to save these and send them in over the next few weeks, that would be brilliant!

Thank you!

The Year 5 Team

World Book Day

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

book day logoWe have had a great day celebrating books and reading for World Book Day in Year 5.

Thank you for your support with the amazing costumes and the various potato characters that came in!

School Closed Friday 18th February

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

Please see the message from Mrs Brown below:

Dear parents and carers, North Lancing Primary  will be closed today. This is due to a red weather warning for the South of England. We have families and staff travelling long distances and need to keep everyone safe. I have made this decision with local Heads and the Chair of Governors. Please stay indoors and stay safe.  Mrs Brown.

Well done on such a fantastic half-term Year 5.

Have a lovely half term break and stay safe,

Mrs Ferrier, Mrs Davis and Mr Masingiri

How to access Accelerated Reader at home.

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

Some of you have been trying to access Accelerated Reader at home, via Google, which won't work. Below is the link you need, which is the Accelerated Reader website that is unique to our school.

If you have forgotten your login details, please let us know as three unsuccessful attempts will lock you out of your account! (Don't worry - we can unlock you!)

Keep up the great reading and quizzing Year 5!

Happy Half Term!

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

We have reached the end of a very long half term! Well done to our Year 5 children for adapting so well to being back to a more ‘normal’ school routine and rising to the challenges of the Year 5 curriculum. 

Trip to Lancing Beach

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

Well done to all of our Year 5 children who demonstrated such brilliant behaviour on our trip yesterday. Several members of the public complemented them on their superb behaviour and the owner of the ice-cream kiosk also praised their excellent manners. Their enthusiasm for all the tasks they were set was fantastic - they really showed off all they had learnt about coastlines and longshore drift and the children were so creative in their beach art task.  It was a brilliant day and it was lovely to see them all enjoying themselves on the beach.