New Spellings for the Summer Term.

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

Welcome back to the Summer Term ! As we have covered the main Year 5/6 spellings, we are now moving on to learning specific spelling rules each week and giving the children strategies to learn them in class. As before, the spellings to be learnt each week will be uploaded every Friday, to be tested the following week. The main set will be divided into 2 groups: your child may now be in a different group - the new groups are based on their progress with learning their spellings over the last 2 terms. Your child should come home Friday knowing which set of spellings to learn!

Those children who have been learning the high frequency words have nearly covered their main spellings too, so will soon be moving on to learning common exception words.

We really appreciate your support in helping your child to learn their spellings each week - look out for the new spellings which will be uploaded Friday.