Week 6: Topic - Phases of the Moon

Subject area

Find out about the phases of the moon from the websites and videos below.  Once you know how and why the moon changes over the month, make your own phases of the moon chart.   If you want to, you can draw or colour this.  Or, if you want to be more adventurous, you could try to find a food source at home you could shape like the moon in its different phases (eg take different sized bites out of Digestive biscuits - you might need your whole family for this one so you don’t end up feeling sick! -  or use slices of apple or satsuma segments!  Having seen some photos of the lovely baking many of you do, you could bake your own moon phase cookies!).  We look forward to seeing your ideas and photos!

https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00n6zhl           https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3jd7ty       https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/science/space/the-phases-of-the-moon/

moon phases


Activity type