Hello Year 5! Well done to all of you for adapting so quickly to life in lockdown and adjusting to remote learning again at such short notice. You have all made a brilliant start, judging by all the hard work you have been doing and uploading for us. It has been great to see so many of you each day on Zoom and for us all to see each other more often than last time! Thank you for being so prompt for the start of each Zoom session - if you are a little late and we have switched to screen share, we do not know if you are in the waiting room so please be patient - we will let you in when we can!
This week we will continue to set you English and Maths work during the live Zoom sessions. The activities will be uploaded either before or after the session - sometimes we don't want you to have had a sneaky peek!
Below is a selection of different activities for you to have a go at throughout the week. All activities can be found under the 'Isolation' tab unless we are providing a direct link, in which case it will be under the 'Links' tab.
Week 2 Activities:
Topic: All about the planet Mercury.
Science: A magical milk experiment!
Computing: Continuing with vector drawings.
Art: A step-by-step guide to drawing a rocket.
PE/Games: Watch the Super Movers video with Alex Scott or choose an activity from the Southern Area Sports #2021 Challenge to keep yourself active.
Spellings: Use the Spellingframe link to practise the Earth and Space words.
Spanish: Numbers 1-50. Watch the video, sing along and complete the worksheet!
Reading: Please keep up your reading with at least 30 minutes per day. Quiz on AR too using this link. https://ukhosted85.renlearn.co.uk/2249047/
Times tables: Continue to practise your times tables and make use of Times Tables Rockstars.
Please continue to upload your work to the website each day. If you have any questions or queries, don't forget you can make use of the Zoom drop in from 2-2:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Keep up the great work Year 5!
Mrs Ferrier, Mrs Davis, Mr Masingiri, Mrs Harris and Mrs Drummond-Davies.