Friday Zoom Meet Up!

Submitted by Mrs Ferrier on

helloHello Year 5! We hope you are all keeping well. It has been great to see how hard you have been working at home already!  Thank you for uploading your homework, as well as such wonderful pieces of work - we have already received some super adverts for Roman recruits and some brilliant Elton John glasses. It's great to see how many of you have completed Accelerated Reader quizzes too. Keep it up!

On Friday, we will be having a Zoom meet up at 10.00. Mr Masingiri and those in school will also be joining in. Please look out for a studybugs message which will have the meeting login details. It will be great to see as many of you there as possible for a catch-up!

Take care, 

Mrs Ferrier, Mrs Davis and Mr Masingiri.