Isolation Activities This Week

Week 1: Computing

Let’s get creative using Google Docs or Powerpoint to create Vector Drawings!  The video lesson at the link below will talk you though the initial skills that you need.  If you want to use Google Docs, then you can access the drawing program online through the link at the bottom.  If you have access to Powerpoint and would prefer to use this then you’ll find the shape tools by clicking Insert and then Shapes. 

Maths - Friday 27th November: Balancing equations

**Apologies to anyone who was confused by the work posted below.  I've uploaded an example with a description of what to do to work out the missing number.  I hope that this is helpful!  Mr M

Today's maths challenge involves some balancing equations and working out the missing value using addition and subtraction.

Remember that the two calculations either side of the = sign need to be equal (think of it like a set of old fashioned weighing scales - both sides need to balance).

Choose one of the pages to complete.

Maths Thursday 26th November - Inverse Operations

Here is today's maths activity for home learning.  Use the inverse operation** to figure out the answers to the calculations. Remember to show your working.

**Remember that the inverse is the opposite operation - adding is the opposite to subtracting and vice versa.

If you finish quickly, check out the extension task.  Find the missing number for each domino and rearrange them so that the inverse calculations are next to each other in a complete loop

E. g.   250 + 50 = 300 would be next to 300 - 250 = 50