Isolation Activities This Week
Week 3: Alien Model Project
Design and make your own alien with a 3 week Topic based project!
Week 3: Topic - Venus
Venus is commonly called Earth's evil twin. Read through the information about Venus, watch the video or research your own online, and then design a vehicle which will be able to keep you safe on Venus. Try to also show off your Literacy skills when annotating your design!
Week 3: Computing
Let’s get creative using Google Drawing or Powerpoint to create Vector Drawings!
Friday 5M maths home learning
Today's task is a bit of multiplication by a multiple of 10 practice. You can work onto the sheet or set out your work neatly on a piece of paper (squared if you have it).
Choose your option and get number crunching!
Thursday Maths 5M set multiples of 10 100 1000
Here is the differentiated work following today's lesson.
Choose your level as usual and complete at least one of the sheets.
Remember to upload a photo to the website.
Wednesday 5M Maths set Investigation
Today's maths is a problem solving investigation. You will need to apply your multiplication skills to work out the solution. Read the clues carefully to help you work logically.
We will look at the solution tomorrow together.
I have also included an extension challenge for those who finish quickly, or who are keen for more!
NB. Please don't spend hours and hours on this - 20 minute time cap!
Week 2: Wednesday Reading Comprehension
Today we shared the prologue from Wild Boy by Rob Lloyd Jones. You can access the extract online by following the link on today's Powerpoint. Please continue with the questions, I look forward to reading your own theories about why the Wild Boy is the way he is! Happy reading Year 5.
Week 2: Wednesday Big Maths with Mrs Drummond-Davies (Ferrier/Davis)
Here is the work for today's big Maths with Mrs Drummond-Davies. Have a go at revising your addition column method with larger numbers before using your reasoning skills to work out the calculations. There are 3 differentiated tasks for you to choose from. Please do as many as you wish. You can also practice your skills on BBC bitesize and watch some clips if those missing numbers are too spicy to handle!
Spelling Practice Ideas
On the attached documents are different ideas to help you practice your spellings at home.