Hello Year 5!
The main purpose of this website is for you to access the weekly homework online, ready to complete at home in your homework books.
Literacy and Maths homework will be uploaded every Thursday and the deadline for completion is the following Monday. Every Tuesday, your class teacher will go through the homework answers with you to check your understanding or to go through anything you weren’t sure about. Please bring your homework book in to school every Tuesday.
Spellings will be uploaded on a Friday and you will have a week to learn them, before being tested the following Friday in school. In your class spelling sessions, your class teacher will go through the spellings that you will need to learn each week and test you on the ones you have learnt. The spellings you will be learning are a mix of words from the Statutory Spelling Lists for Years 3&4 and Years 5&6 as well as words that follow particular spelling patterns. There are two different sets of spellings – you will know whether you need to learn set A or set B. Some children will have individual spellings set for them based on high frequency words. Again these will be available on the website each week.
It is important that you also aim to read for 30 minutes daily. Don’t forget to ask someone at home to enter you for the Friday prize draw if you have read each day at home. You could be the lucky winner of a new book!
We will also use the website to keep you updated with any Year 5 news or forthcoming activities or trips.